Our Services

Girl in a classroom sadly looking outside the window.

Testing & Assessment

SAGT offers individually administered intellectual and academic assessment. The results of testing will be used to identify individual strengths and weaknesses and address asynchrony typical for a gifted individual vs. actual deficits in a particular area. Educational recommendations will be provided based upon the results of the assessment.


SAGT offers individual therapy to the gifted wishing to work on a variety of GT related issues including, underperformance in the classroom, social development, issues with classmates, introversion, frustration, intensity, sensitivity, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, defiance, self-esteem, Learning Disorders, and aggression.

SAGT offers family therapy, sometimes meeting with just the parents, the parents and gifted child, or all members of the family to address issues pertaining to parenting the gifted, advocating for the gifted, meeting the emotional needs of the gifted, dealing with conflict within the family, school placement, and college planning. Many parents seek therapy simply to understand what they can expect in raising a gifted child.

Education & Support

SAGT offers seminars and workshops covering a wide range of topics related to the gifted. Dr. McKown is also available to lead small parent support groups at your location.